Friday, May 14, 2021

They become what we speak to them!!

Yesterday was our Elizabeth's K-Building Field Day.  She was so excited the night before you would have thought Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny was coming because she couldn't go to sleep.  Yesterday when we woke up the temperature outside read 58 degrees, no sun out and it looked like it might rain.  They were set up to have waterslides!!  On our drive down there she said, "Mom, it is such a beautiful day outside."  That's when God spoke to me.  

I had prayed all morning for it not to rain their day out, for it to warm up and the sun to come out.  But he spoke to me through her and let me know that either way they were going to have a great day.  Kids learn through us.  They learn to either see the cup as half full or half empty.  This morning my baby girl was seeing her cup half full.  She was seeing a day of fun with her friends and teachers regardless of what the weather was going to be and it wasn't going to stop her.  

So today I'm asking you friends, are you teaching your kids to see their cups half full or half empty?  Are you teaching them to be a negative Nancy?  Because Lord knows we have enough of those in the world today.  

G. P. W. L.

Melissa Harris 

                                                             "K-Building Field Day 2021"
                                                                  "The Year of the VID"

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Blessings from above.

 Children are a blessing from above.  Only borrowed and not really belonging to us.  They are given to us to care for and God trust us to raise them accordingly.  To provide them with knowledge and righteous ways.  To instill faith, trust, mercy and grace deep within their souls.  To be a shoulder to cry on when their hearts are heavy, to be a listening ear when they need to talk and to be there for them always.  I pray each day that we are at least getting some of this right in our daily walks.  Short blog today...Field Day with my baby girl!  I've missed to many of these special days!  

G. P. W. L.

Melissa Harris

"My heart outside my chest daily"

                                                           Elizabeth K-5 Graduation photo
D.J. K-4 Graduation photo
Where did my baby go?!?!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Don't Pretend!!

Don't pretend to be anything that you aren't.  Don't pretend to be someone you aren't.  Don't pretend to have things that you don't.  Don't pretend to be okay when you aren't.  Don't pretend to be something that you aren't.  Don't pretend and put on a show for anyone.  Be yourself.  Be you.  Be your beautiful self.  Be your beautiful unique, different self.  

If today isn't a good day, that's okay.  No make-up, throw something comfy on and a ball cap and go with it, but pray.  If today is a good day, that's great.  Wear some make-up, throw something pretty on and fix your hair and still pray.  God doesn't care how we look when we come to him for prayer.  But he doesn't need us to pretend with him.  He needs us to come to him with our whole heart, ready to accept whatever he tells us.  He needs us to keep faith that he can fix us.  

In the first photo you will see a Pastor's wife ready for church.  This was a good day.  Woke up ready for a day of worship.  Dress, make-up and fixed hair.  Not to mention longer hair.

In the second photo you will see a nurse after a bad day:  no make up, lounging clothes and on the verge of tears.  Not to mention much shorter hair; this hair cut is due to several reasons: 1) my husband loves my hair short 2) I have severe migraines and my hair is thick so short hair helps.  With that being said I have been referred to as, Sir, many times.  I don't give a use to bother me.  It don't anymore.  Clearly you can see I'm a female.  If you don't like it that's your problem because it's my hair and I'm here to please no one but me and God and he doesn't care about my hair because he's looking at my heart!!

In the third photo you will see a cap, make-up and camo!!  A sister hunting with her sister on this day.  Best hunting trip ever!!  Yeah Buddy!!  Didn't kill a darn thing but she thought we were only hunting!!  It was so much more that day!!

Life is what you make it!!!  Just Don't Pretend!!  God wants the real you and so do some of us!!!  And those that don't...well that's their problem!!  
G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Reap What You Sow!!

You reap what you sow.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.  But eventually you will reap exactly what you sow.  If you aren't kind, forgiving and respectful it will eventually come back to you.  If you do evil it to shall eventually come back to you, but it may not come in the same form that you performed it.  Everything always has a way of coming back around.  

Today let's focus on helping others with their harvest instead of destroying it!!  Be Kind!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mistakes don't define you!!

Regrets and mistakes don't define us.  They allow us to focus more on life after our downfalls.  The person we become after our mistakes is what we have to focus on.  Focus on a new you, a better you and know that failure is just a single event.  It doesn't have to define the rest of your life.  One downfall or even many doesn't mean there can't be a better YOU in the future!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Lost Boy and the Pastor!

 A Pastor of a old country church met a boy.  He met this boy at a time in their lives where they were both young.  Even before the Pastor was a Pastor.  In fact the boy was in kindergarten.  Throughout the years the boy and the Pre-Pastor kept having situations that brought them together and they held many conversations through the years.  But the boy chose a different path that lead him to drugs, alcohol and a life of partying.  Until one day he chose to make a phone call to a relative saying he needed a change and couldn't live this life anymore.  At this time the Pre-Pastor had been a Pastor for many years.  The Pastor and the lost boy began a relationship that blossomed from there.  The Pastor encouraged the lost boy to go to church, to pray daily and to start a new life.  Everyday the Pastor never failed to remind the lost boy that he could be anything that he wanted to be.  Everyday the Pastor never failed to remind the lost boy that God had his back.  Everyday the Pastor never failed to remind the lost boy that he had his back.  Now over a year later the lost boy is no longer lost.  He is saved.  He has graduated college.  He has his own place and made his first ever "big boy purchase."  The Pastor and your family are proud of you!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Dirt cheap for you...Jesus paid it all!!

 A life full of forgiveness and salvation is dirt cheap for us because Jesus Paid It All.  No it doesn't come easy but he also promised to help with that.  He provides us with grace, mercy and strength.  All we have to have is faith and trust in him.   A belief that we can be cleansed of our wicked ways and sinful pasts and trust that he will see us through the tough days.  He paid the price for all of us, for all of this because he knew we would need help.  He knew we would have temptations, set backs and trials.  He knew Satan would tempt us, overtake us and play with our minds.  So he paid it all in full for you and me.  

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Past Don't Matter.

Don't give your past the power to choose your future.  Your past doesn't define you anymore.  Your past doesn't describe you anymore.  Your past doesn't make decisions for you anymore.  Your past is exactly that....your PAST.  It's behind you and not ahead of you.  Past means it's over.  Past means you defeated it. Past means you conquered it.  Past means you beat it.  YOU DID IT!!

Don't look back.  Don't dwell in it.  Don't dwell on it.  Look up and forward.  The future is what lies ahead of you!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Know Your Worth!

Know your worth.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of your worth.  It doesn't matter what they think of your job, your home, your vehicle or any other possessions.  Because they are just that...possessions....material things.  Material things that you can't take with you.  Know your self worth.  What you mean to yourself is what matters.  How you feel you treat others is what matters.  How you feel you care for others is what matters.  How you feel you care for your family is what matters.  

At the end of each day if you knew it would be your last day...can you say you have provided everyone you came across with a great impression of your self worth and what you would want to be remembered for?  At the end of each day if you knew it would be your last day...can you say your children saw the best of you and would grow up wanting to be just like you?  At the end of each day if you knew it would be your last day...can you say that your spouse would say you went down fighting and never gave up?  

Know your worth...make it known.  Don't waste it on material things!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Monday, May 3, 2021

Behind Closed Doors.

Only you know what you do behind closed doors.  And it's your business and no one else's.  But what about your children?  Are they seeing what they are growing up to believe is how things are suppose to be?  And I'm not just speaking of drugs and alcohol.  I'm speaking of verbal abuse, physical abuse, hatred for family members, jealousy in your heart.  All of these things are things that we as parents instill in our kids at home.  It's not just things that are taught at school.  We have to instill good things in them at home to or everything that their teachers work so hard to teach them won't even make a difference.  

When you put on fake faces, fake your attitude and fake your appearance, your kids see that and they think that's how life goes.  When they see that you don't care about things of course they are going to question why they should have to care.  Just somethings to think about!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

They become what we speak to them!!

Yesterday was our Elizabeth's K-Building Field Day.  She was so excited the night before you would have thought Santa Claus or the Easte...