Monday, May 3, 2021

Behind Closed Doors.

Only you know what you do behind closed doors.  And it's your business and no one else's.  But what about your children?  Are they seeing what they are growing up to believe is how things are suppose to be?  And I'm not just speaking of drugs and alcohol.  I'm speaking of verbal abuse, physical abuse, hatred for family members, jealousy in your heart.  All of these things are things that we as parents instill in our kids at home.  It's not just things that are taught at school.  We have to instill good things in them at home to or everything that their teachers work so hard to teach them won't even make a difference.  

When you put on fake faces, fake your attitude and fake your appearance, your kids see that and they think that's how life goes.  When they see that you don't care about things of course they are going to question why they should have to care.  Just somethings to think about!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

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