Friday, April 30, 2021

Actions cause reactions!! Stand Up!!

Every word you speak comes with a reaction.  Every movement you make causes a reaction.  It's your decision whether or not your action is a positive or negative action.  It's in your hands as to whether or not the person receiving your action is going to give off a positive or negative reaction.  I sit here today and wonder if the children that were bullying these two beautiful young boys that took their lives regret their negative actions that caused extreme negative reactions.  I looked at those two boys pictures and they each remind me of someone.  One reminds me of my own son, tall, handsome, big blue eyes, stocky kid and probably could have beat the crap out of whoever was picking on him but I bet much like my son he had a heart of gold and wouldn't hurt a fly.  Did you hear the significant part of that, "HAD", that was the reaction that was caused over words and they hurt.  The other young beautiful boy reminds me of one of my son's friends with his dark hair and glasses, short and tiny but also handsome.  And while he may not have been big enough to stand up to some of those being mean to him, someone around him was!!  And I bet he had that heart of gold as well.  I know someone said he was a very funny kid much like my son's friend.  Did you hear the significant part of that again, "HAD", that was the reaction that was caused yet again over words and they hurt.  

It's no joke to make fun of someone and you may think it's funny but to someone else it is not!!  It doesn't make you more popular, more pretty, more of a jock, the best cheerleader, or more of anything for that matter other than an IDIOT!!  When I was in school I was picked on a good bit myself because my family didn't have a lot of money.  I didn't have all the "next best things."  Who cares!  Just because your parents choose to buy you that expensive phone doesn't mean that my son's friend that attends these same schools with all of you should be bullied because he doesn't have one.  Your picking on people for not having things like they are poor, have you thought that maybe their parents just don't want to spend that kind of money on a phone that they are going to lose or bust!!  No you haven't!  Because anyone to inconsiderate to cause a reaction of this nature is to immature to realize that!!  

I also read where someone said their kindergarten child was told she couldn't play with another kindergarten student because she wasn't pretty enough.  WHAT??  So this is taught at home!!  She is learning it somewhere.  Are you even listening to your child because if she says that at school then surely she says it to siblings and cousins.  PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN AND LISTEN AND CORRECT IT AT HOME!!  If that continues through high school then imagine how bad she will treat people in high school when other kids are already self conscious about their appearance.  WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!  TALK TO YOUR KIDS!!!  SPEAK UP, KIDS!!  PROTECT EACH OTHER!!

My suggestion is for every student that is bullied from here on out do this:  No matter where you are or what your doing, classroom, gym, lunchroom...doesn't matter.  When someone says something to you that's ugly, hurtful, bullying...STAND UP and HOLLER, STOP IT.  Then if other students that have been being bullied will join you every time someone will do something.  The first time maybe scary because you don't know if someone will join you, but it starts with someone being the brave person and starting it!!  I say DO IT!!  Start a MOVEMENT!!  If they send you to the office make them call your parents!!  When people start putting up a real fight it will STOP!!  I would tell my son to do exactly this!!  Don't just do it if it happens to YOU, Do it if you see them doing it to SOMEONE ELSE!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

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