Monday, April 5, 2021

Do not conform to this world!

 Do not let your children conform to this world.  Let God transform your children through you!  Are we doing that today?  Are they seeing you love each other?  Are they seeing a Mother give everyday all she has?  Are they seeing a Father give his job all he has?  Are they seeing two people in love and walking with Jesus leading their marriage and their home?  Are they being brought up in this life so that they may not be conformed to this world?

It's up to us as parents to do this.  It's our job.  God wouldn't have placed these children in our lives if he had known we weren't going to do what he asked of us.  Mothers show your daughters what it takes to be a great mother and wife.  Show them that they are beautiful without all the make up and fancy clothes.  Show them how to love a man by loving their fathers with deep and genuine love.  Fathers show your sons what it takes to be a great father and son.  Show them that they are handsome and strong and it don't take a fancy truck or loud speakers.  Show them how to love a woman by loving their mothers with deep and genuine love.  

Mothers and Fathers on those hard days when you feel defeated and just want to give up and maybe turn to a drink or other activity of sort; Remember your children.  They are watching you.  They are watching you to see how you handle yourself when things get tough.  Show them the right way.  Show them to blast that Christian music or open their bible.  Show them that getting on your knees and praying for strength and guidance is the right path.  Even when you think they aren't listening, watching or paying you any attention; I promise they are!  They are smarter than we give them credit for.  

If we teach them not to be conformed to this world and we conform them ourselves then Satan will have a much harder time getting to our children and grandchildren!  Let that sink in!!  They say if you love your children to multiply that a lot and that's how much you will love your grandchildren.  Well I'm here to tell you if I'm going to love my grandchildren more than I love my kids, I want my kids raised in a Godly home so they are on the right paths when they bring my grandchildren into this world.  Because my love for my kids is deep!!  In fact, as a Christian putting God first on my list was one of my biggest challenges in the beginning.  It was so hard for me to admit that I loved him the most over my husband, my kids and my family.  But now I get, I got it.  I can now and I do.  

The little boy in these photos is my nephew and the girls are my nieces.  They are being conformed by their parents.  Being conformed so well that even before us parents remember prayer at dinner, they do.  Just the other day the little guy wouldn't touch a thing on his plate until we said the blessing.  Those 3 girls you see, yeah those are my nieces being raised by the REAL man I was talking about in a blog last week.  Thank God for this Real man that's raising these girls now and conforming them not to this world!

G. P. W. L.

Melissa Harris

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