Thursday, April 29, 2021

Harsh World!

This one is for all the parents and the kiddos:

So Tuesday I heard of yet another young life being lost over bullying.  When does it stop?  When do parents stand up for their kids?  When do friends stand up for their friends?  When do strangers stand up for strangers?  I don't understand it and I guess this is yet another one of those things that I never will understand.  I'm sure there is a lot to the story that I do not know so I'm not making any judgments I just have some suggestions if you will.
Parents:  Talk to your children.  Put your phones down and really talk to your children.  I don't care if they are 5 years old and in kindergarten or in 12th grade and about to graduate.  Talk to them!!  Do you know your children well enough to know if they are in a good mood, a bad mood, had a good day, or had a bad day.  I'm not patting myself on the back here by no means because God knows I fall short every day of my life but when my kids butts hit the seat of my car I can immediately tell in their tone and actions how their day went.  And do you know what happens next?  We talk about it!!!!  It's usually nothing serious because they go to a great school but sometimes maybe they hear of someone's parents splitting up and maybe now they are scared.  Scared of what you ask?  Well now they are thinking and scared of their parents splitting up so now they need reassurance.  So had I not been there to ask about their day and ask what's wrong I wouldn't know that and their little hearts would weigh heavy for who knows how long.  You never know what it could be and yes sometimes it maybe nothing to us but at young ages it may be a big deal to their little hearts.  So put your phones down, get off social media and PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS.  IT STARTS AT HOME!
Kids:  If you don't have anyone to talk to about your problems at school, at home, PLEASE FIND SOMEONE.  Do not take your own life.  This is NEVER the answer!!  Don't let someone convince you that no one loves you, that no one cares, I can promise you that SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE will listen to you and EVERYBODY CARES!  Kids that bully other kids usually have their own problems at home and within themselves causing them to act this way to avoid facing their own problems.  Just like some of you they don't have anyone asking them what's wrong.  For this I am truly sorry.  I am sorry that you all live in this harsh world that we have created for you.  I wish that I could fix it for all of you, my own children and my nieces and nephews.  But I can't!  All I can do is remind you that you are loved!  Even when you think no one loves you I promise you that God loves everyone.  Please reach out to someone.  If you see someone being bullied please tell someone and if they don't do anything please tell someone else.  And if they don't do anything please tell someone else.  I promise if you tell enough people somebody will do something!  If you stand together you can put an end to this yourselves, stand up to the bullies together and show them you want back down.  Show them their words don't hurt, their words don't matter and that God has you covered!  Siblings if you have parents that just don't care, sometimes you have to stand together and check on each other.  DO IT!

Bullies:  I know you think you are this big, bad awesome kid but the truth is your a JERK.  I said it! They want to say it to but they can't because you have paralyzed them.  You have them so scared to speak to anyone about what your doing that their friends are taking their own lives.  They are scared, lost and taking their own lives.  How does that make you feel?  You caused someone to take their life.  A mother and father lost their child because of YOU.  Siblings lost a sibling because of you.  Friends lost a friend because of you.  How do you feel now?  You probably think that you have a lot of power?  Am I right?  You probably think your going to run a huge company one day, am I right?  Am I getting warmer here?  Well let me tell you something!!  You are heading straight for a prison cell if you don't straighten your ways up.  You are headed straight for HELL if you don't stop bullying kids and being mean.  God sees you, he's watching you and he knows exactly what your doing.  If your doing it because you don't have someone to talk to at home then please find someone to talk to about your problems.  Don't take it out on other kids, kids that would probably be there for you, possibly more than your own friends if you would let them.  If your doing it, you don't have problems at home and you just think it's cute, or making you popular....guess's not...It's making you look like an IDIOT.  It makes you ugly and God don't like ugly.  Do you have siblings?  If the answer is yes to this, would you want someone doing them that way?  Would you want someone doing this to your parents at work?  Oh, your dad is a huge guy that wouldn't happen to him...say there is a guy bigger than him.  Does that make it okay for him to be bullied now?  Kids think about what your doing to each other.  You kids have a chance to change this world for the better and instead your slowly causing more serious problems all on your own.  THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!  IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE OR POSITIVE TO SAY THEN JUST KEEP WALKING AND DON'T SPEAK AT ALL...THAT SIMPLE!!
G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 


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