Wednesday, April 7, 2021


At 16 years old I never thought I would meet my knight in shining armor, I never knew that love at first sight was true.  I mean that's the kind of stuff you see in movies and read about in books.  The first time I saw you something in me changed and I knew from that day forward that you were the one.  I wish that first dance could have went on forever but like all good times they must come to an end.  The next day at school I knew what my friends wanted to tell me but I pretended it was no big deal knowing I was about to burst with excitement.  From that day forward I felt like I had to see you or at least talk to you every single day.  Did you save me?  I don't know, I feel like I had a pretty good focus on what I did and didn't want my life to end up like.  Do you think you had a part in how well it turned out, absolutely.

Our first years were a little rough around the edges and we both done things we desperately wish we could take back, but that's not possible.  And while I wish we hadn't done those things I don't regret them because they only brought us closer and showed us just how much we mean to each other.  I believe everything happens for a reason and had those things not taken place and showed us just how much we mean to each other we might not be together today.  We might not be sharing this wonderful, amazing life together with our babies.  We might not be a cord of three strands strong today.  
Back then we were younger I had a boy with a backwards baseball cap, a class ring, and a old mustang.  My dad kept saying, "you are too young and he's just a little punk."  Now look at us, I got the first kiss and I'm going to get the last.  I got the man, the future, the diamond ring and the wedding band.  I got the house, the mommy's boy for a son, the daddy's girl for a daughter and my man is a preacher leading his family making every decision with God's advice.  I would say I got blessed all because of those blue eyes.  Is that true?  Absolutely!  They stole my heart from day one!  
Did I take a chance?  Of course....we all do at some point.  But I was willing to place all my chips on the table for this one!  Was it luck or faith?  I say Faith and God. 

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

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