Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Satan's Attack Game!

Satan attacks those that God loves and that love God.  He attacks those that are trying hard.  He attacks those that are praying.  He attacks those that are reaching for heaven.  He attacks those that are spreading the gospel.  He attacks those that are giving God the Glory for their success.  He does all of this for a reason.  Do you know what that reason is?  

Because why would he attack someone that loves him.  Why would he attack someone that doesn't pray.  Why would he attack someone that doesn't give God glory.  Why would he attack someone headed for hell.  Why would he attack someone not trying at all to do better.  Do you know why?

Because he's already won them.  He's already winning their heart, mind and soul.  He came to kill, steal and destroy and he's accomplishing it.  Don't be that person.  Don't let him kill, steal and destroy you.  Don't let him kill, steal and destroy your family.  Defeat him.  Let God help you.  Do you know how?

Look up.  He will show you the way.  Find a bible and read it.  He will help you understand it.  Find a church and let them love you.  Don't believe all the things that Satan tells you about church.  Go and find out for yourself.  If you go and it's not right for you, go to another one and another one.  God will lead you Home!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

I just selected this photo because it's one of favorite photos!! 
My babies love their Aunt Jamie!
(Smiles=Happy Lives)

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