Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Know Your Worth!

Know your worth.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of your worth.  It doesn't matter what they think of your job, your home, your vehicle or any other possessions.  Because they are just that...possessions....material things.  Material things that you can't take with you.  Know your self worth.  What you mean to yourself is what matters.  How you feel you treat others is what matters.  How you feel you care for others is what matters.  How you feel you care for your family is what matters.  

At the end of each day if you knew it would be your last day...can you say you have provided everyone you came across with a great impression of your self worth and what you would want to be remembered for?  At the end of each day if you knew it would be your last day...can you say your children saw the best of you and would grow up wanting to be just like you?  At the end of each day if you knew it would be your last day...can you say that your spouse would say you went down fighting and never gave up?  

Know your worth...make it known.  Don't waste it on material things!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

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