Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Don't Pretend!!

Don't pretend to be anything that you aren't.  Don't pretend to be someone you aren't.  Don't pretend to have things that you don't.  Don't pretend to be okay when you aren't.  Don't pretend to be something that you aren't.  Don't pretend and put on a show for anyone.  Be yourself.  Be you.  Be your beautiful self.  Be your beautiful unique, different self.  

If today isn't a good day, that's okay.  No make-up, throw something comfy on and a ball cap and go with it, but pray.  If today is a good day, that's great.  Wear some make-up, throw something pretty on and fix your hair and still pray.  God doesn't care how we look when we come to him for prayer.  But he doesn't need us to pretend with him.  He needs us to come to him with our whole heart, ready to accept whatever he tells us.  He needs us to keep faith that he can fix us.  

In the first photo you will see a Pastor's wife ready for church.  This was a good day.  Woke up ready for a day of worship.  Dress, make-up and fixed hair.  Not to mention longer hair.

In the second photo you will see a nurse after a bad day:  no make up, lounging clothes and on the verge of tears.  Not to mention much shorter hair; this hair cut is due to several reasons: 1) my husband loves my hair short 2) I have severe migraines and my hair is thick so short hair helps.  With that being said I have been referred to as, Sir, many times.  I don't give a use to bother me.  It don't anymore.  Clearly you can see I'm a female.  If you don't like it that's your problem because it's my hair and I'm here to please no one but me and God and he doesn't care about my hair because he's looking at my heart!!

In the third photo you will see a cap, make-up and camo!!  A sister hunting with her sister on this day.  Best hunting trip ever!!  Yeah Buddy!!  Didn't kill a darn thing but she thought we were only hunting!!  It was so much more that day!!

Life is what you make it!!!  Just Don't Pretend!!  God wants the real you and so do some of us!!!  And those that don't...well that's their problem!!  
G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 

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