Friday, February 26, 2021

Fresh Start....Spring Forward!

Today I decided since Spring is approaching I would begin a fresh start.  Plow my garden and plant some new seeds if you will.  So I done some research on my name.  Have you ever done that?  I received one in high school from a friend.  Her mom had fixed them as graduation gifts for all the students and I still have it.  So, I searched myself.

          Biblical Meaning:  Honeybee
               Urban Dictionary says:  a loyal friend who is someone you can talk to about anything.  Also likes to keep her emotions to herself because she doesn't want others to worry about her.  She will care for you through thick and thin so don't hurt her.  She is also a loyal girlfriend.  She loves adventures and people being themselves.  She can care for people really quickly but she gets hurt if they just push her away.  Your lucky if you have one of her.  

     I also found in my research that it said I have naturally strong parental instincts making me a perfect mate as well as a mother or caretaker.  I find this part about myself very true because even as a child and into young adulthood I was and still am very protective of my siblings.  Of course to every upside there is a downside and it says I may show a possessive attitude at times but it's only because I love the people I'm trying to protect deeply.  Which also makes me prone to worrying more.  I also find this to be very true.  

     It also states that I'm charitable and giving.  Compassion and love for others truly has no ends.  Many people may come to me for advice, and while I tend to enjoy being the wise and loving person that people can trust to seek out, it may at times leave me feeling burnt out.  It also says that's why it's crucial to take excellent care of myself and set strong boundaries with others. 
I guess this would be where I would say I fail myself because I don't like to say "no" for fear of being accused of not liking someone or not loving someone enough.  I try my best to meet every need of every person I can and I fail to meet my own needs most often.  So today moving forward I'm going to plant new seeds and meet some of my own needs but also continue to be me and help as many people as I can just as I feel God has led me to do!  

I want to encourage all of you to do this.  Do it today!  Find meaning in your name!

                                                            Melissa Harris

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Struggling Pastors Wife

Everything we do and say is under a microscope by everyone including family.  When we try to help maybe we are a bit blunt but it's because we love a little harder.  Sometimes when we say things they are taken out of context because we are the Pastor's Wife, otherwise nothing would ever be said.  We try our best just like everyone else but for some reason it's just never good enough.  There's always something different we could have said, something different we could have done, another road we could have traveled. 

Your exactly right there is!  Why he chose me as the Pastor's Wife, I have no idea.  I can't talk to anyone without being accused of gossiping.  I can't talk of anything I buy without being accused of boasting.  I can't brag about my kids without being accused of comparing them to someone else's kids. I can't brag about my husband's job accomplishments without being accused of bragging.  I can't try to help people without being accused of it being my fault...been down that road too.  I get accused of hatred when I remove negativity from my life, but anyone else is given advice to remove negativity from their life.  I post things on social media just like everyone else does on social media.  Maybe it is for someone, maybe it isn't.  Maybe I post it because it touches me; my soul.  Maybe, someone comes to mind and I post it hoping they will read it and decide on a life changing decision.  Maybe they read it and don't care.  

I get told to give mercy where I have given mercy over and over and over again.  But I do it anyway.  When does it stop??  When is it enough?  When is it going to be enough?  When do I get mercy?  I feel less than adequate now.  I already feel like I shouldn't have been picked for this job.  I try to always look out for the little know the person that no one is looking out for.  Thank God for knowing my heart because if it weren't for him I don't know where I would be.  I was told by many Pastor Wives this would be a hard position and they were not joking.  Lots of days it's just me and God.

                                            G. P. W. L.
                                          Melissa Harris

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Children of God

 Your a child of God.  We are all his children.  He picked your beautiful soul to put on this earth to do beautiful things.  It doesn't matter if your a teacher, preacher, stay at home mom, truck driver or a cashier.  Everyone he chose to place on this earth has a purpose.  Everyday you meet different people.  Different people that you get to choose how you respond to them even if it's just a smile.  You never know when that person may have needed just that smile to believe in humanity again.  To see there are good, happy people in the world still. 

Every child that you see may not have a perfect home life so a smile to them maybe worth a million bucks.  Every second that a nurse or nursing assistant spends with a home bound patient is priceless because they may not have visitors anymore.  No one can move forward in the Kingdom of God always being around a "Petty Betty" or a "Negative Nancy".  So for those people you just pray, pray hard and if you can't say their names that's what unspoken prayers are for.  Unspoken prayers are just like any other prayer and gets answered in his time and not our own.  We just have to continue to pray fervently.  

See we are all his children and that's why we were chosen to be placed on this earth to do great things in his name.  For his kingdom.  Our children are only his children loaned to us to love until they go back home.  So let's raise up Kingdom builders that are washed in the blood just as he does.  Let's show God that we are up for the challenge.  Let's show God we are a team.  Let's show God we have his 6!!

                                                                                                                                  G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                                                Melissa Harris

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Be Kind, Be still, Show Mercy

 Sometimes we have to learn to show mercy even when we feel we shouldn't have to.  Maybe we are the ones constantly being accused, blamed, talked about, lied on, etc.  But God tells us to show mercy to those that have wicked ways.  He reminds us to love everyone, always, through the good and bad.  Sometimes it's really hard and it takes a lot of prayer but it's possible.  Nothing is impossible without God.  It's also not impossible for them to see your mercy and turn from their wicked ways.  It may take time, it may take a lot of time, but it can happen.  

Show mercy in all things, that doesn't mean you should do things that aren't right or that you don't agree with, it just means to show mercy for wrong doings toward you.  Sometimes it feels like self-torment but God will guide you in the right direction.  You have his hand and a manual for guidance.  Just follow them.

Be kind even when you feel you don't owe kindness.  Be kind even when you aren't being shown kindness.  He reminds us to show kindness to everyone, always, through the good and bad.  Sometimes it's really hard and it takes a lot of prayer but it's possible.  Nothing is impossible with God.  It's also not impossible for them to see your kindness and turn from their wicked ways.  It may take time, it may take a lot of time, but it can happen.

Show kindness in all things, that doesn't mean you should do things that aren't right or that you don't agree with, it just means to show kindness for wrong doings toward you.  Sometimes it feels like self-torment but God will guide you in the right direction.  You have his hand and a manual for guidance.  Just follow them.

Most importantly, Be Still.  If you don't know what to do just Be Still and listen.  God will send you the answer in some fashion.  Be still, be patient and listen.  He helps solve all of our problems no matter how big or small.  

                                                                                                                             G. P. W. L
                                                                                                                           Melissa Harris

Monday, February 22, 2021

Conflict & Growth


More times than most of us would like to admit, we create our own conflict.  More times than most of us would like to admit, we also create our own drama.  We bring up subjects that cause a fire inside of someone to be lit.  We do things that we know others don't like just to cause conflict.  Even if we question our own choices in the end, but we still do it out of spite.  Satan tells us to continue to do it because Drama Lives on Conflict and Satan Thrives in Conflict.  

It's our decision every single day if we want to create drama, cause conflict, even how we want to react to conflict and drama.  So what do you choose?  Are you going to continue to let him control you?  

Well Angel of Darkness today, I choose do as you please!  Make no mistake, I know you don't need my permission to do anything.  It's not about that at all.  It's so much more.  This is called self-care.  Self-cleansing if you will.  I'm tired of falling victim to your narcissistic ways.  This is about me, growth and outgrowing your mind games.  You will not have control of me anymore, you will not get a fight or a rise out of me anymore, therefore giving you less power over me.  But it's not selfish, this is about you too, that also helps keep you at a limit with controlling me through OTHERS!

See now I have something you don't have.  What's that your jealous again?  No shocker there!  It's God!  Stop being deceitful.  Stop causing people to play the victim card after you cause them to provoke people.  Stop causing them to push buttons for no reason whatsoever.  Stop convincing people that everyone is judging everything they do.  Stop causing people to drown their sorrows in a bottle.  Stop causing people to pop so many pills that they can't see God anymore.  Stop causing people to make themselves look like fools.  Stop causing our Military Heroes to take their own lives.  Stop causing people to take other people's lives.  Stop causing abusive relationships.  Stop causing people to abuse their own bodies.  Stop causing people to turn against their families.  Stop making people disagree about things or subjects and causing a war between them or amongst themselves.  Stop dragging people into the Valleys with you.

Sister Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Up!  Girl, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Down! Girl, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

Brother Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Up!  Boy, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Down! Boy, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

I pray for you every single day.  I know you have much deeper issues inside is why the Angel of Darkness is doing this to you.  I pray for your family as a whole and you individually.  I pray that someday God will help you stand against the Angel of Darkness and help you to see the light!  I have faith that it will happen in his time. 

I leave with you:
love, peace, prayers and these words:   
Sister Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Up!  Girl, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Down! Girl, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

Go to the Mountain.  Go to Prayer.

Brother Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Up!  Boy, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Down! Boy, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

Go to the Mountain.  Go to Prayer.

                                                                                                         G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                       Melissa Harris

Friday, February 19, 2021

Why Must We Rebel?

Sometimes God sends us messages in a variety of ways.  Sometimes he sends messengers.  Sometimes he may send your message in the form of a sign.  Nevertheless, it's up to us to take his message and do as he has requested of us.  But most of the time we are rebellious.  We rebel against what he has asked of us just as a child rebels against their parents.
It doesn't mean that we are evil or not a good person.  Sometimes it's that we are scared, or maybe we don't want to let go of all the sinful things we are doing.  Are you scared?  You will not walk alone.  He will walk beside you and hold your hand. 

He will be with you and he will guide you or he wouldn't have chosen you.  Have you considered that?  Why did he choose you?  Why did he send you that message?  Why did he send someone you never met before?  Does he see something in you, maybe that you don't see in yourself?  Does he see something in your children?  Does he see something in your spouse?

Have you even considered all the possibilities?  Set aside everyone else's opinions and you decide for yourself.  You make the decision between you and God because no one else should have a say so.  What is he telling you to do?  What is he asking you to do?                                                                                    


                                           G. P. W. L.                                                                                        Melissa Harris


Ezekiel 12:2
“Son of man, you live in the midst of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see but do not see, ears to hear but do not hear; for they are a rebellious house.

Psalm 78:8
And not be like their fathers,
A stubborn and rebellious generation,
A generation that did not prepare its heart
And whose spirit was not faithful to God.


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Double Standards


So many of us today are living with Double Standards.  We want our cake and we want to eat it too.  
Christians are bashed daily for not being Christian enough.  We are called hypocrites because we don't do things exactly as the bible is outlined.  We invite people over and over again to church only to get responses such as, "We will try to be there."  Then they don't show up.  Then we are talked about with things such as, "Worry about your own salvation and not mine."  Well if we go by the outline of the bible and spread the gospel and extend invitations like it says then we are still talked about. So which one is it?  Are we not Christian enough or too Christian?

Sounds like a Double Standard to me.  You?

The Church is for Sinners.  No one there is claiming to be perfect otherwise, the church would be empty and there wouldn't be a need for a church.  We use other excuses like I don't go because people still gossip.  Well we can't and won't stop that but, guess what?  That's a God and heart problem within that person.  Not between you and that person. All you have to do is choose to walk away and not participate. 

Yes, you maybe known as stuck up or maybe, "she/he thinks her/his crap doesn't stink, for a lack of better terms.  But guess what, Your Not Participating!  Your not pretending to be perfect either, your just not participating because you know it isn't right.  You know because your heart tells you it isn't right.  God tells you it isn't right.  But here again, another Double Standard, if I participate it's okay if it's the person doing it that I'm talking to but, it's not okay if they are doing it and talking about me to someone else.  Because then as a Christian I become the main topic such as, "Every time I'm around her/him she/he talks about people."  And you can bet they aren't going to tell them that they started the conversation, they aren't going to tell them the awful things they said, they aren't going to especially when it's their own FAMILY members.

Sounds like a Double Standard to me.  You?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  G.P. W. L
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Melissa Harris

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Old Country Church


Every Sunday morning in a old country church, down a little dirt road sits an elder couple.  Married for decades now, but seems just a short time ago they were sitting in that old country church raising their babies.  As their children grew up, moved out and had children of their own this couple still sits in this old country church, down a little dirt road every Sunday.  Except now things are different, no children are with them.  Make no mistake, their prayers are the same, for God to keep their children safe, healthy and to bring them back to the house of God.
Every Sunday morning in this old country church, down that little dirt road this couple sits in Sunday School and participates.  When the Pastor preaches they shout, "Amen."  And when requested for them to sing, they do.  Oh, man do they.  He strums that guitar with his fragile, aching fingers from working all his life to raise his family.  And she sings, and he sings, and they sing in perfect harmony.  But never with a smile.  Do you know why?  I do!  I've been in this place and in those same shoes; still am.

Singing these beautiful hymns about Heaven, being together and following Jesus is hard when you have family not with you.  I can only imagine the pain this elder couple feels trying to reach their own children.  And her, you can see it, a mother knows, a mother feels, a mother feels deep pain.  You can see the pain in her eyes when she sings.  

Every Sunday morning in that old country church, down a little dirt road I give thanks to Jesus that they have each other.

                                                                                                                   G. P. W. L
                                                                                                                 Melissa Harris

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Weed, Seed and Feed


Sometimes our minds tell us lies much like a garden gets full of weeds.
Our minds play tricks on us much like Satan does.

He tries to convince you that people are against you.  He tries to convince you that people are talking about you.  He tries to convince you that people don't love you.

He will try to convince you to believe that you are worthless, unlovable and no good for anyone.

He will turn you away from the very people that you need the most.  He places jealousy, envy and hatred into your heart.

He will not stop there because he will also keep people in your path that are bad influences.  And yes, sometimes it's family and close friends.

We have to learn to recognize the works of Satan and De-weed our minds.  Take it out and omit the negative thoughts and give Satan the boot.

Put positive in your mind by planting seeds of positive.

Learn to recognize weeds and pluck them out of your mind especially when it's just your mind trying to convince you of all these things.

Our mind is and can be a beautiful thing but it can also be tricky and dangerous much like Satan.

So if we keep the negative out and plant positive seeds we can feed our minds and souls only with positive.

Satan knows our mind is one of the easiest ways to get to us and he uses it.  Don't let him!

Positive thoughts; Weed out the negative; Plant positive seeds and feed yourself positive thoughts!

                                                                                                         G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                       Melissa Harris

Monday, February 15, 2021

Boys and Diamonds


What is it about a boy and a diamond?
There he is taller than me now standing on that diamond.
Seems just a short time ago he was cradled in my arms.
His glove is so big now it's to big for even me.
Seems just a short time ago his hand was tiny compared to mine.
His cleats look like snow shoes.
Seems just a short time ago his shoes were so tiny they got lost.
I'm watching him as he vigilantly watches each opponent.
Seems just a short time ago he was tentatively watching his parents.
But I will enjoy every minute of this time with this boy on this diamond.
Because in just a short time he will meticulously pick a girl.
Seems just a short time ago he was cautiously picking friends.
Then he will give that girl a diamond.
And I will lose my boy on that diamond.

To My Big/Lil' Man D.J. Harris
Another one of our miracles from Heaven
that survived a horrible four wheeler accident 
in the 4th grade.

Always remember you can reach any goal you
set as long as you keep holding God's hand 
and allowing him to be first in your heart.
Love you to the moon and back,
Love Mom
Phil 4:13  (#Vet)
                                                                                                         G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                       Melissa Harris


Friday, February 12, 2021

"Highly Unlikely"


Highly Unlikely definitely includes God
It means he will be included in some shape, form or fashion
You may not notice him but he will be present
He will be watching, listening, and observing

Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires your Faith
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires his Grace
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires your prayer
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires his Mercy
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires your Trust
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires his Love

You see the words, "Highly Unlikely" are used by doctors, nurses, etc.
But we insist on using our earthly bodies instead of our spiritual bodies
And all to often we forget who our "Great Physician" is.
Highly Unlikely is when he steps in and says, Where there is a will, there is a way."

Something that has been spoken upon as Highly Unlikely is exactly when a Miracle from Heaven happens.
Something that has been spoken upon as Highly Unlikely is exactly when a Blessing occurs.

For Our Angel from Heaven
Sent to us after many years of 
struggling with unexplainable infertility

We love you Elizabeth Harris,
to Heaven and back.
Love Mom, Dad, and Bubbie

                                                                                                    G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                  Melissa Harris

Thursday, February 11, 2021






                                                                                                    G. P. W. L.
                                                                                               MELISSA HARRIS

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Daily Battles

 There are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on the earth.  Which means there has to be more of heaven up there than there is of earth here.  So we need a more spiritual body here on earth than a human body.  Which means following the narrow road instead of the wide road.

Sometimes entering the narrow gate instead of the wide gate can be a little scary because Satan does seek you out, but on the narrow path you are equipped with armor to battle him.

When you enter the wide gate and travel the wide road that's a lot of area to have to cover battling with Satan.  

Not to mention, through the wide gate and on that wide road he is going to make you feel all alone and like you have no options left.  He wins every time a negative thought crosses your mind.  He wins every time you take another sip of that booze and get drunker and drunker.  He wins every time you make the decision to partake in more drug use.  He wins every time you get up on Sunday and decide you have better things to do than go to church.  

Where do you think the thoughts and excuses come from?  Not Jesus...He wants you there!

If you want to battle or go to war with someone go through that narrow gate, travel that narrow road and fight your battles beside God.  Let him battle with you, beside you, for you and holding your hand.

Have you lost things?  Jobs, friends, loved ones?  Maybe your upset with God.  Talk to him.  He will answer you.  Be patient and watch for your answer.  Have a more spiritual body.  A more human body only gets you to Satan, Hell and battles you can't win alone.

Don't think you can do it?  Well look to your left or right and say hello to Satan!  There he is sitting on your shoulder, riding in your car, going with you to work, drinking that booze with you, doing those drugs with you and whispering awful things to your children.  That's right when we don't protect them he gets inside.  I sure pray he doesn't tell them no one loves them and they are worthless.  What are you waiting for?  

Let God battle with you and beside you daily.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                G. P. W. L.

                                                                        Melissa Harris

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

I wish...

 I wish I could tell you...

    I wish I could tell you that I'm perfect but I'm not.

    I wish I could tell you that I don't sin but I do too.

    I wish I could tell you I don't have anxiety but I do.

    I wish I could tell you I don't make mistakes but I do too.

    I wish I could tell you I haven't broken any of God's commandments but I have.

    I wish I could tell you I haven't tried to bargain with God but I have too.

    I wish I could tell you I haven't blamed God for things but I have.

    I wish I could tell you I haven't doubted God before but I have too.

    I wish I could tell you I don't get depressed sometimes but I do.


I wish I could tell you...

    I wish I could tell you that suicide has never crossed my mind but I can't. 

    I wish I could tell you that divorce has never crossed my mind but I can't.

    I wish I could tell you I've never felt like a failure, but I can't.

    I wish I could tell you I've never felt unloved, but I can't.

    I wish I could tell you I've never felt lost, but I can't.

    I wish I could tell you I've never felt like the world was moving while I was at a standstill, but I can't.

But my greatest wish is...

    I wish I could tell you since I found Jesus things have turned around.  There are still hills, valleys and mountains to climb.  There are still deep waters to tread but I have help; someone holding my hand.  

Someone who provides fields of forgiveness, heaps of hope, loads of love, miles of mercy, gardens of grace, fountains of faith and evidence of eternity.

    I wish, hope, pray and have faith that you will find him one day also.


                                                                                                        G. P. W. L

                                                                                                     Melissa Harris


They become what we speak to them!!

Yesterday was our Elizabeth's K-Building Field Day.  She was so excited the night before you would have thought Santa Claus or the Easte...