Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Children of God

 Your a child of God.  We are all his children.  He picked your beautiful soul to put on this earth to do beautiful things.  It doesn't matter if your a teacher, preacher, stay at home mom, truck driver or a cashier.  Everyone he chose to place on this earth has a purpose.  Everyday you meet different people.  Different people that you get to choose how you respond to them even if it's just a smile.  You never know when that person may have needed just that smile to believe in humanity again.  To see there are good, happy people in the world still. 

Every child that you see may not have a perfect home life so a smile to them maybe worth a million bucks.  Every second that a nurse or nursing assistant spends with a home bound patient is priceless because they may not have visitors anymore.  No one can move forward in the Kingdom of God always being around a "Petty Betty" or a "Negative Nancy".  So for those people you just pray, pray hard and if you can't say their names that's what unspoken prayers are for.  Unspoken prayers are just like any other prayer and gets answered in his time and not our own.  We just have to continue to pray fervently.  

See we are all his children and that's why we were chosen to be placed on this earth to do great things in his name.  For his kingdom.  Our children are only his children loaned to us to love until they go back home.  So let's raise up Kingdom builders that are washed in the blood just as he does.  Let's show God that we are up for the challenge.  Let's show God we are a team.  Let's show God we have his 6!!

                                                                                                                                  G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                                                Melissa Harris

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