Monday, February 22, 2021

Conflict & Growth


More times than most of us would like to admit, we create our own conflict.  More times than most of us would like to admit, we also create our own drama.  We bring up subjects that cause a fire inside of someone to be lit.  We do things that we know others don't like just to cause conflict.  Even if we question our own choices in the end, but we still do it out of spite.  Satan tells us to continue to do it because Drama Lives on Conflict and Satan Thrives in Conflict.  

It's our decision every single day if we want to create drama, cause conflict, even how we want to react to conflict and drama.  So what do you choose?  Are you going to continue to let him control you?  

Well Angel of Darkness today, I choose do as you please!  Make no mistake, I know you don't need my permission to do anything.  It's not about that at all.  It's so much more.  This is called self-care.  Self-cleansing if you will.  I'm tired of falling victim to your narcissistic ways.  This is about me, growth and outgrowing your mind games.  You will not have control of me anymore, you will not get a fight or a rise out of me anymore, therefore giving you less power over me.  But it's not selfish, this is about you too, that also helps keep you at a limit with controlling me through OTHERS!

See now I have something you don't have.  What's that your jealous again?  No shocker there!  It's God!  Stop being deceitful.  Stop causing people to play the victim card after you cause them to provoke people.  Stop causing them to push buttons for no reason whatsoever.  Stop convincing people that everyone is judging everything they do.  Stop causing people to drown their sorrows in a bottle.  Stop causing people to pop so many pills that they can't see God anymore.  Stop causing people to make themselves look like fools.  Stop causing our Military Heroes to take their own lives.  Stop causing people to take other people's lives.  Stop causing abusive relationships.  Stop causing people to abuse their own bodies.  Stop causing people to turn against their families.  Stop making people disagree about things or subjects and causing a war between them or amongst themselves.  Stop dragging people into the Valleys with you.

Sister Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Up!  Girl, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Down! Girl, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

Brother Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Up!  Boy, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Down! Boy, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

I pray for you every single day.  I know you have much deeper issues inside is why the Angel of Darkness is doing this to you.  I pray for your family as a whole and you individually.  I pray that someday God will help you stand against the Angel of Darkness and help you to see the light!  I have faith that it will happen in his time. 

I leave with you:
love, peace, prayers and these words:   
Sister Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Up!  Girl, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Girl, Get Down! Girl, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

Go to the Mountain.  Go to Prayer.

Brother Look Up!  Do you see what the Angel of Darkness is doing to YOU!
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Up!  Boy, Look Up!  He's there!!  
Give Satan the boot!  Boy, Get Down! Boy, Kneel Down!  He's there!!

Go to the Mountain.  Go to Prayer.

                                                                                                         G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                       Melissa Harris

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