Friday, February 12, 2021

"Highly Unlikely"


Highly Unlikely definitely includes God
It means he will be included in some shape, form or fashion
You may not notice him but he will be present
He will be watching, listening, and observing

Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires your Faith
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires his Grace
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires your prayer
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires his Mercy
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires your Trust
Anything that is Highly Unlikely is exactly what requires his Love

You see the words, "Highly Unlikely" are used by doctors, nurses, etc.
But we insist on using our earthly bodies instead of our spiritual bodies
And all to often we forget who our "Great Physician" is.
Highly Unlikely is when he steps in and says, Where there is a will, there is a way."

Something that has been spoken upon as Highly Unlikely is exactly when a Miracle from Heaven happens.
Something that has been spoken upon as Highly Unlikely is exactly when a Blessing occurs.

For Our Angel from Heaven
Sent to us after many years of 
struggling with unexplainable infertility

We love you Elizabeth Harris,
to Heaven and back.
Love Mom, Dad, and Bubbie

                                                                                                    G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                  Melissa Harris

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