Friday, March 12, 2021

He begs us; pleads with us!

Everyday I talk to my baby sister on the phone.  Most days it's something hilarious she is calling me about that her and the kids have done or something that has happened on their little farm.  Yesterday while talking to her my nephew was not wanting to get dressed and he likes to play this little game where they holler at each other.  Kind of like fussing at each other.  It's hilarious!  He laughs the whole time.  He does it on purpose and she just hollers back at him.  Of course you know he's a boy. He wants to get dressed and go outside but he is being disobediently funny.   

It got me thinking.  This is how God is with us.  His children.  He talks to us, he walks with us and sometimes when you feel that pull to do better, to be a better you, to do something for someone; that's God hollering at you.  Begging you, pleading with you:  Wake up my child!  Do as I say my child! 

And this is how we are disobedient.  We want all of the things he offers but we want to continue to do the things that we want to do.  We want to continue to do the things that we do and get the rewards that he offers later.  Forgetting that tomorrow isn't promised.  Today is the day to be obedient.  Today is the day to walk with him and listen to him.  Today is the day to follow him.

                                                                                                              G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                            Melissa Harris

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