Thursday, March 18, 2021

Weeds vs. Flowers

We are all flowers picked by God and placed on this Earth to provide peace, beauty and grace.  But, sometimes you run into folks that chose to be "WEEDS."  Well sister, I say if they want to be a weed in a garden full of flowers, "Let them be."  Weeds in a garden wither and dry up or they try to grow and taker over the whole garden.  Don't let the weeds take you over!  Don't let their negative energy overtake your positive energy.  Don't let their "glass half empty" overtake your "glass half full".  Let your "cup continue to runneth over."  Show them that being a flower is so much more fun.  Even more rewarding than anyone can imagine.  

See weeds are one in the same with bullies.  If you show them that what they say doesn't bother you and just smile.  They eventually stop what they are doing because you show them it doesn't bother you.  Show them grace, mercy and keep your faith.  Let God handle the weeds.  He will, again it may not be in our time here on earth but one day they will stand face to face with him and answer for everything they put you through.  

Beautiful girl, you were put on this Earth to do great and wonderful things.  When life gives you lemons make some lemonade.  When life gives you rainy days just learn to dance in it.  When life knocks you down just remember to always get back up.  See it's not about the fall or the feelings; it's about the comeback!!  Always remember to talk to God about every situation and ask yourself, what would he do?  

So you continue being you.  Don't worry about what anyone else thinks.  The only person's opinion you should care about is there always, Just look up!  Just be you!  Don't try to fit in...just because.  Be you!!  You make people want to be like you!!  Always keep Faith, Courage and Strength and Let God Do The Rest!  And know that your family is always here for you no matter what!

Aunt Lissa
                                                                                                                        G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                                      Melissa Harris
If you aren't special then why is your name Melanie Grace?
Grace=Filled with God's favor or help!
Love you Gracie Bug

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