Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Unspoken Prayers

Everyone doesn't have to know.  They work just like any other prayer.  Sometimes I feel they are more powerful than any other prayer.  It's between you and God only.  No one else knows except you and him.  He sees your desperate plea for this person/people.  He sees your sincere concern for them.  He sees your heart; he hears your heart.  

Just like any other prayer we ask of him it happens in his time, not our own.  So don't give up.  Don't ask it once and stop.  Continue asking over and over again.  Continue asking with a sincere concern.  Continue allowing him to see your heart and to hear your heart.  It will happen in his time and then we have to remember to praise him and thank him.  

Today I am grateful for an answered unspoken prayer that I've been praying for awhile now.  I knew it would happen in his time and not mine.  I knew I had to be patient but patience isn't something I have, I will admit.  But I am grateful that he heard my heart and he knew I was sincere.

                                                                                                           G. P. W. L.
                                                                                                        Melissa Harris

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