Friday, April 30, 2021

Actions cause reactions!! Stand Up!!

Every word you speak comes with a reaction.  Every movement you make causes a reaction.  It's your decision whether or not your action is a positive or negative action.  It's in your hands as to whether or not the person receiving your action is going to give off a positive or negative reaction.  I sit here today and wonder if the children that were bullying these two beautiful young boys that took their lives regret their negative actions that caused extreme negative reactions.  I looked at those two boys pictures and they each remind me of someone.  One reminds me of my own son, tall, handsome, big blue eyes, stocky kid and probably could have beat the crap out of whoever was picking on him but I bet much like my son he had a heart of gold and wouldn't hurt a fly.  Did you hear the significant part of that, "HAD", that was the reaction that was caused over words and they hurt.  The other young beautiful boy reminds me of one of my son's friends with his dark hair and glasses, short and tiny but also handsome.  And while he may not have been big enough to stand up to some of those being mean to him, someone around him was!!  And I bet he had that heart of gold as well.  I know someone said he was a very funny kid much like my son's friend.  Did you hear the significant part of that again, "HAD", that was the reaction that was caused yet again over words and they hurt.  

It's no joke to make fun of someone and you may think it's funny but to someone else it is not!!  It doesn't make you more popular, more pretty, more of a jock, the best cheerleader, or more of anything for that matter other than an IDIOT!!  When I was in school I was picked on a good bit myself because my family didn't have a lot of money.  I didn't have all the "next best things."  Who cares!  Just because your parents choose to buy you that expensive phone doesn't mean that my son's friend that attends these same schools with all of you should be bullied because he doesn't have one.  Your picking on people for not having things like they are poor, have you thought that maybe their parents just don't want to spend that kind of money on a phone that they are going to lose or bust!!  No you haven't!  Because anyone to inconsiderate to cause a reaction of this nature is to immature to realize that!!  

I also read where someone said their kindergarten child was told she couldn't play with another kindergarten student because she wasn't pretty enough.  WHAT??  So this is taught at home!!  She is learning it somewhere.  Are you even listening to your child because if she says that at school then surely she says it to siblings and cousins.  PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN AND LISTEN AND CORRECT IT AT HOME!!  If that continues through high school then imagine how bad she will treat people in high school when other kids are already self conscious about their appearance.  WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!  TALK TO YOUR KIDS!!!  SPEAK UP, KIDS!!  PROTECT EACH OTHER!!

My suggestion is for every student that is bullied from here on out do this:  No matter where you are or what your doing, classroom, gym, lunchroom...doesn't matter.  When someone says something to you that's ugly, hurtful, bullying...STAND UP and HOLLER, STOP IT.  Then if other students that have been being bullied will join you every time someone will do something.  The first time maybe scary because you don't know if someone will join you, but it starts with someone being the brave person and starting it!!  I say DO IT!!  Start a MOVEMENT!!  If they send you to the office make them call your parents!!  When people start putting up a real fight it will STOP!!  I would tell my son to do exactly this!!  Don't just do it if it happens to YOU, Do it if you see them doing it to SOMEONE ELSE!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Harsh World!

This one is for all the parents and the kiddos:

So Tuesday I heard of yet another young life being lost over bullying.  When does it stop?  When do parents stand up for their kids?  When do friends stand up for their friends?  When do strangers stand up for strangers?  I don't understand it and I guess this is yet another one of those things that I never will understand.  I'm sure there is a lot to the story that I do not know so I'm not making any judgments I just have some suggestions if you will.
Parents:  Talk to your children.  Put your phones down and really talk to your children.  I don't care if they are 5 years old and in kindergarten or in 12th grade and about to graduate.  Talk to them!!  Do you know your children well enough to know if they are in a good mood, a bad mood, had a good day, or had a bad day.  I'm not patting myself on the back here by no means because God knows I fall short every day of my life but when my kids butts hit the seat of my car I can immediately tell in their tone and actions how their day went.  And do you know what happens next?  We talk about it!!!!  It's usually nothing serious because they go to a great school but sometimes maybe they hear of someone's parents splitting up and maybe now they are scared.  Scared of what you ask?  Well now they are thinking and scared of their parents splitting up so now they need reassurance.  So had I not been there to ask about their day and ask what's wrong I wouldn't know that and their little hearts would weigh heavy for who knows how long.  You never know what it could be and yes sometimes it maybe nothing to us but at young ages it may be a big deal to their little hearts.  So put your phones down, get off social media and PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS.  IT STARTS AT HOME!
Kids:  If you don't have anyone to talk to about your problems at school, at home, PLEASE FIND SOMEONE.  Do not take your own life.  This is NEVER the answer!!  Don't let someone convince you that no one loves you, that no one cares, I can promise you that SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE will listen to you and EVERYBODY CARES!  Kids that bully other kids usually have their own problems at home and within themselves causing them to act this way to avoid facing their own problems.  Just like some of you they don't have anyone asking them what's wrong.  For this I am truly sorry.  I am sorry that you all live in this harsh world that we have created for you.  I wish that I could fix it for all of you, my own children and my nieces and nephews.  But I can't!  All I can do is remind you that you are loved!  Even when you think no one loves you I promise you that God loves everyone.  Please reach out to someone.  If you see someone being bullied please tell someone and if they don't do anything please tell someone else.  And if they don't do anything please tell someone else.  I promise if you tell enough people somebody will do something!  If you stand together you can put an end to this yourselves, stand up to the bullies together and show them you want back down.  Show them their words don't hurt, their words don't matter and that God has you covered!  Siblings if you have parents that just don't care, sometimes you have to stand together and check on each other.  DO IT!

Bullies:  I know you think you are this big, bad awesome kid but the truth is your a JERK.  I said it! They want to say it to but they can't because you have paralyzed them.  You have them so scared to speak to anyone about what your doing that their friends are taking their own lives.  They are scared, lost and taking their own lives.  How does that make you feel?  You caused someone to take their life.  A mother and father lost their child because of YOU.  Siblings lost a sibling because of you.  Friends lost a friend because of you.  How do you feel now?  You probably think that you have a lot of power?  Am I right?  You probably think your going to run a huge company one day, am I right?  Am I getting warmer here?  Well let me tell you something!!  You are heading straight for a prison cell if you don't straighten your ways up.  You are headed straight for HELL if you don't stop bullying kids and being mean.  God sees you, he's watching you and he knows exactly what your doing.  If your doing it because you don't have someone to talk to at home then please find someone to talk to about your problems.  Don't take it out on other kids, kids that would probably be there for you, possibly more than your own friends if you would let them.  If your doing it, you don't have problems at home and you just think it's cute, or making you popular....guess's not...It's making you look like an IDIOT.  It makes you ugly and God don't like ugly.  Do you have siblings?  If the answer is yes to this, would you want someone doing them that way?  Would you want someone doing this to your parents at work?  Oh, your dad is a huge guy that wouldn't happen to him...say there is a guy bigger than him.  Does that make it okay for him to be bullied now?  Kids think about what your doing to each other.  You kids have a chance to change this world for the better and instead your slowly causing more serious problems all on your own.  THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!  IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE OR POSITIVE TO SAY THEN JUST KEEP WALKING AND DON'T SPEAK AT ALL...THAT SIMPLE!!
G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Satan's Attack Game!

Satan attacks those that God loves and that love God.  He attacks those that are trying hard.  He attacks those that are praying.  He attacks those that are reaching for heaven.  He attacks those that are spreading the gospel.  He attacks those that are giving God the Glory for their success.  He does all of this for a reason.  Do you know what that reason is?  

Because why would he attack someone that loves him.  Why would he attack someone that doesn't pray.  Why would he attack someone that doesn't give God glory.  Why would he attack someone headed for hell.  Why would he attack someone not trying at all to do better.  Do you know why?

Because he's already won them.  He's already winning their heart, mind and soul.  He came to kill, steal and destroy and he's accomplishing it.  Don't be that person.  Don't let him kill, steal and destroy you.  Don't let him kill, steal and destroy your family.  Defeat him.  Let God help you.  Do you know how?

Look up.  He will show you the way.  Find a bible and read it.  He will help you understand it.  Find a church and let them love you.  Don't believe all the things that Satan tells you about church.  Go and find out for yourself.  If you go and it's not right for you, go to another one and another one.  God will lead you Home!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

I just selected this photo because it's one of favorite photos!! 
My babies love their Aunt Jamie!
(Smiles=Happy Lives)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Do you get tired?

Don't you get tired?  I'm mean really?  Do you ever get tired of always being a negative Nancy?  Always speaking negativity, spreading negativity.  Don't you get tired of being miserable all the time?  Don't you get tired of being a humbug?  You have so many blessings in your life and yet you still manage to look for only the negative.  You still manage to make yourself miserable.  You still manage to make everyone around you feel miserable so that your not alone.  Can't you just throw all that away?  Be happy, find your joy.  Find your grace.  Where is your Mercy?  Have you tried to find any of those things?  I mean really tried to find any of those things.  

What are you looking for?  Have you thought of that?  What are you trying to accomplish?  Have you considered that?  What are you doing during this time of searching?  Are you causing harm or good?  Are you allowing Satan to play you like a fiddle?  Seems like it to me!  I've learned to call it like I see it!  God is trying to help you.  Let him!!  Let him inside your heart fully and let him help you defeat Satan!  It's worth it!  Believe me, trust me!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

We stopped letting Satan still our Joy, Grace and Mercy!
Sisters by Blood and Sisters in Christ!
Love you Little Sister, Don't you ever forget 
how strong you have become and how far you have come!
Love your Big Sister 
(Always got your 6)

Monday, April 26, 2021

Promise You, You Promise Me?

 To my Angels, D.J. and Elizabeth:

     I want you to know that I will always be in your corner.  I will always have your back.  I will always be here to tell you to reach for your goals even when you think you can't do it.  On the hard days when you think you can't and it's impossible, I will be right here reminding you that you can and it is possible.  I will not tear you down, I will not crush your dreams and you will never hear me say, "you can't accomplish that."  You can be anything you want to be.  You can be anybody you want to be.  
      And on those tough and hard days I'm going to remind you to always look up because if for some reason I can't be here, God will always be here.  In this life you can choose to take the right or the wrong path and it's up to you to choose which one you want to walk.  But know that while I'm here I will be working my mind, body and soul to the bone teaching you which one you should choose.  You will never have to doubt my love for you, my encouragement for your future, or my dedication to teach you about your salvation.  

     Before either one of you were formed in my womb I loved you from your head to your toes!  I will stop at nothing to protect you from harm, teach you righteous ways and raise bible believing Christians.  You will succeed in this life at whatever you choose and that's a promise.  You have plenty of role models in your life to show you that all of these things are possible and that walking in a righteous way gets you much further than choosing the wrong path.  Always, always remember that!!

     I want you to always remember that everything comes with a price so when you choose to walk in a righteous way you will lose friends, family members and others.  Sometimes those reasons are because of a lot of different things such as jealousy but the main root of the problem is, SATAN!  But always remember that the ultimate price for you to be able to walk in a righteous way was already paid by Jesus!!  Keep walking the walk...Keep talking the talk!!  Don't let anyone cause you to Detour!!  

     You see I will always speak positive to you and I will always encourage you!  And if for some reason God decides it's time for me to come to my heavenly home and your not ready...I want you to know I want be ready to leave you either, but you can both sleep peacefully every night knowing that your Mom will be waiting for you at the Heavenly Gates when it's your time.  Not everyone gets to live with that peace of mind.  So when this day comes I know you will be crying but just smile, look up, count it as a blessing and make me proud!!  Promise Me!!  And know that I will always be there and I'm watching all of your accomplishments!

Love Your Mom,
Melissa Harris



Friday, April 23, 2021

Finding Purpose!

Some days I feel like giving up.  Some days I feel like calling it quits.  Some days I feel like throwing in the towel.  Some days I just get tired of being the bigger person.  Some days I just get tired of walking on egg shells.  Some days I just get tired of tip toeing around feelings.  Some days I just get tired of being shamed for my failures.  Some days I get tired of hearing that everything is everyone else's fault.  Some days I get tired of lie after lie.  Some days I get tired of the manipulation.  Some days I get tired of the deceitfulness.  

When people choose to remove themselves from negativity, drama, mental abuse and other forms of abuse; they are titled the bad people.  I guess once again I will never understand everything.  I do know one thing.  Keep doing what your doing because you are only making everyone love you harder and pray for you harder.  But be prepared for attacks from Satan because that's what he does.  Can you handle it?

Keep doing what your doing because all your doing is showing me all the things I will never do to my children.  I will never intentionally try to tear them apart.  I will never try to crush their dreams.  I will never lie to one to make the other look bad for my own benefit.  I will never make false accusations toward them.  

I will show them all the love that I can.  I will show them how to fight battles with God.  I will teach them to avoid drama, negativity and other forms of abuse that get you no where.  I will inspire them to reach their goals and dreams.  I will not crush their dreams or tell them they will never amount to anything.  I will not speak negativity into their ears.  I will never try to turn them against each other.  I'm raising Kingdom Builders not Soul Crushers.  
So you do what makes you feel good.  If you choose all those things over your beautiful family that's your choice.  Keep putting on your show for the world to see.  All things in the dark eventually come to light!! 
G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris
My beautiful family at Elizabeth's Dedication.
And one of the most truth telling Pastors you will ever meet!!!
Proud to call them all mine!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Reminder from an Angel.

Not a day goes by that this sweet girl doesn't remind me of myself.  She is so headstrong, so independent and has such a big heart.  Just yesterday morning going to school she was dressed in all white and looking like the most beautiful angel I've ever seen.  Getting ready for another big step for a six year old girl graduating kindergarten.  She was sitting in the backseat with her tiny little legs crossed looking so grown while watching one of her favorite shows on my phone. Then on Sirius radio's The Message station, the song "Good God Almighty" came on and over the sound of my phone, over the sound of her favorite show she was singing this song loud, proud and with a beautiful smile.  Just a reminder that even on the tough days we are doing something right.  

She listens...even on Sundays at church when I think she is playing to much, being to loud or not paying a bit of attention...she's getting the message.  She's getting the message her way.  Just like we get the message our way by sitting, listening and taking notes.  Sometimes it takes a blue eyed angel dressed in all white to remind you that everything doesn't have to be perfect all the time, you don't have to be on time all the time, you don't have to be perfectly still and quite to hear or see the message.  You still get the message!!
G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Message Written from Christian Song Titles

Lord I Need You.  I was a Dead Man Walking until I saw the Red Letters.  Church (Take Me Back) so I can see that Help Is On The Way. They Say I Won't be a Champion, but Your Name is Power.  The God Who Listens is The Same Jesus that stays Every Step of the Way.  In and out of The Father's House, you are Next To Me and you are a Man Of Your Word.  Help me to be Less Like Me and remind me that the Devil Is A Liar, so that When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder for me I will be home or Almost Home.

God Is Helping Us and the Battle Belongs to him.  Run To The Father, When We Fall Apart he is a Promise Keeper and a Way Maker.  In the Fires and during Hills And Valleys, Truth Be Told, Nobody Loves Me Like You.  I Thank God You Say you are Fighting For Me.  How Great Thou Art, Hold Onto Me.  Never Lost with My weapon I will Rise Up. You Are Famous For being The God Who Stays and Promises Amazing Grace.  Who Am I, a Child Of Love, you Have My Heart, Speak To Me. In the House Of The Lord, Love Comes In, Your Love Defends Me, there is Power In The Blood and I see Who You Say I Am.  I See A Victory through Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus.  

Jesus Paid It All for you and for me.  It's up to us to see The Blessing.  Sometimes our pain and struggles, God Only Knows.  But remember There Was Jesus, just look up.  He is there to help you. Rest In Him today so you can Go Rest High On That Mountain with him for eternity.

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin!

There is more love here than you will ever know.  Yes, there is disappointment as well, but the disappointment doesn't cancel out the love.  I just continue to pray for change.  I continue to pray for a true soul changing touch.  Just as I always have and always will.  You have made baby steps so far and if we have to baby step all the way to the finish line, you will get there.  Don't lose sight of the ones helping you and the main one walking this journey with you now.  He's got your back when no one else does.  He will have your back when you feel like no one does.  Just look up and pray.  Everyone is here for you no matter what, even though you tell yourself otherwise.  You let Satan convince you that no one is here and no one cares.  If no one cared no one would be disappointed right now.  

Don't let Satan win.  Don't let Satan kill, steal and destroy what we have worked so hard to re-create. Don't let him come between everyone again.  If you let him in or allow him to come in, he will do it.  Find your strength.  I know your strong, you always have been!  

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 

Monday, April 19, 2021

I'm about to start a Rumor....

About to start a that got your attention.  You know why?  Satan!  People start rumors of all sorts.  It doesn't matter how the rumor is started.  It all derives from Satan.  He puts the idea in your head.  He tells you exactly who to tell it to because he knows exactly which people will spread the rumor and add their ideas to it.  Don't let Satan win.  Don't gossip.  That's how rumors get started.  Sometimes rumors ruin lives.  Rumors cause people to second guess their families, relationships, etc.  If you didn't see it chances are it didn't happen at all.  If you didn't hear it from the person them self, then chances are it didn't happen.   

Satan is here to kill, steal and destroy and he has really been successful lately.  Don't let it be your friends, family and loved ones that he is stealing, killing and destroying from.  Stop him today.  Start with today, by praying each morning for God to guide you with only Godly things and ways.  Satan is watching for you to slip and when you slip he attacks.  He may not attack you.  He may attack a friend, a loved one or a family member.  He's always watching just like God.  Never forget that.  

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris 

Friday, April 16, 2021

God's Got This...over and over again!!!

Last week and this week as I stamped all of the key chains for Jackson's Wish fundraiser I began to hear God speaking to me.  Every one of these key chains that I'm making and that are being purchased is someone that Jackson stamped an impression on in his short 17 years here on earth.  Along with every person that has purchased a t-shirt, a sticker, and a bracelet.  Every time I stamped, "God's Got This" into a blank I was reminded over and over again that no matter what we are going through, "God's Got This".  As I passed out the key chains to be sold I was told stories of people telling their loved ones this same phrase that are going through their own hardships.  As I stamped it over and over again I was reminded of his Million Dollar Smile, his priceless faith, courage, and strength and his tremendous amount of love for his family and friends.  If the whole world could live like Jackson, man what a world this would be. 

He was truly a special young man that spoke few words as his family described.  But I'm here today to tell you that he may have said few words in his life but these "3" very important words that he has shouted for years has spread all the way to "Canada".  These three words, "God's Got This".  I have stamped those "3" words, those "11" letters, a total of 120 times so far.  I will never for as long as I live forget anything this young man taught me!!

I have shed tears while stamping these key chains and will probably continue to do so but that's okay, it's just me and Jesus talking.  He sees my heart, he knows my heart, and he knows my hardships at this time.  And he and Jackson (through his journey and Legacy) have assured me, "He's Got This."

G. P. W. L.

Melissa Harris

Thursday, April 15, 2021

We all sin!

We all sin.  We all sin differently.  We are all forgiven.  But you don't have to continue to sin.  At some point in life you have to realize that you can't continue to do the same things over and over again.  At what point do we decide to make permanent changes?  Permanent changes for ourselves, our families, our children, our grandchildren and some day our great grandchildren.  No one is asking anyone to be perfect but somethings are not only a sin but childish.  When do we grow up and grow out of things?  I'm just curious because I've never been able to understand a few things.  My whole life I have asked myself this question?  I've never gotten the answer.  I guess one day when my life is over and I'm called to my home in eternity I will get my answer.  Which raises another question.  Who do I love that will get to meet me there?  How many people really think about this question?  I'm curious yet again.  Because when I think of people I love and possibly never seeing them again I burst into tears.  How can people not consider their life, how they live it and what will happen when we are called home.  I think about it probably more often than I should.  I guess that's the nurse in me and knowing how fragile life is and can be and how quickly our life on Earth can end.

G. P. W. L.

Melissa Harris

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Those feelings you have...

Those feelings you have are simple to explain.  One is God telling you that we are here for you no matter what.  One is Satan telling you not to turn lose and to keep a hold on the problem you have because to him it's not a problem it's success.  One is God again, telling you that you are losing everything you have worked months to build and develop.  One is Satan again, telling you who cares that you are grown and can do what you want to do.  We told you this would happen to be prepared. Once you start following God and living justly Satan really digs in because he knows he is losing you. You have never felt this type of tug before because Satan always had his claws in you in some shape, form or fashion.  But either way we want you to know you have a family full of Prayer Warriors willing to help you fight Satan off!  All you have to do is let us help!  We were praying long before you ever knew it and never stopped!  And no matter what happens we will never stop praying!  Those feelings you have, we have them to.  We feel let down to.  But Satan wants us all to feel defeated, but he want win every battle here.

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Lemons into Lemonade!

When life gives you lemons, sometimes you got to learn to make lemonade.  You don't have to stay sour and go around being sad all the time.  Do something with what you have, with what God gave you. Make something with what you can.  He gave you a beautiful face and smile, smile with it.  He gave you beautiful hair, fix it.  You have nice clothes, wear them.  Get up, fix yourself up and be somebody. You can be anybody you want to be, anything you want to be.  You have the strength, courage and faith to do all those things and make it happen.  So what's stopping you?????

?????? are...get out of your own way and make it happen.  When you are determined enough, no one or nothing can stop you!  So get up and get out of your own way.  Stop coming up with excuses!  Make it happen.  You can do anything you set your mind too!  Work hard so you can play hard!  Team work makes dream work!  If you hang out with the wrong crowds, get rid of them.  They are enablers.  I can promise you when you are doing better and making something of yourself, they will be no where to be found.  They have chose their paths, they have made their beds and sometimes you just have to let them sleep in them.  Doesn't mean you have to lay down too!!  So get up and get going!!  Your future is what you make it!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Monday, April 12, 2021

Life is what you make it...Do you even realize that?

You ever get sick and tired.  Well I do and today I'm sick and tired.  I'm sick and tired of the, "life's not fair" stories.  I'm sick and tired of my life being analyzed and being accused of thinking I'm better than everyone else.  I'm sick and tired of being accused of showing favoritism over one side of my family.  I'm sick and tired of people looking me in the eyes like they love me to death and talking about me behind my back.  It's a good thing I don't do that to each of them.  I always try to big the bigger person and not say a word, pretend I don't know and it's extremely tough but it still rips me and my heart to pieces.

So hear goes nothing.  Life is perfectly fair in most cases.  Do I think it's fair that children get cancer or anyone for that matter, absolutely not.  Do I think YOUR life is what you make it, ABSOLUTELY!!  It's not my fault if you choose to drop out of high school or if you choose not to go to college.  That's your fault!  It's not my fault if you choose a path of drugs and alcohol, that's your decision!  We all have choices in life to make and it's up to you to choose whether you want to make something of yourself or not! 

I'm not sorry if me choosing to graduate high school and go straight to college without even taking a break upsets you.  I'm not sorry that I had to get up for 2 years at 5:30 AM every morning and spend all day in school and then drive 40 minutes to work every afternoon after school to work until 10 pm every night and then go home and do homework.  I'm not sorry that during that 2 years I had to go to bed at midnight and get up at 5:30 AM and do it all over again.  

I'm not sorry that years later I decided to return to school and get my nursing degree because I wanted more out of life. I'm not sorry that I had to borrow the money to go to school and pay it back because I couldn't get any kind of financial aid or grants.  I'm not sorry that it cost me about $15,000 to get that degree and that's just a estimate.  I'm not sorry that for most of that year I had to get up at 4 AM in the morning to obtain that degree and study until midnight and get up and do it over again the next day.  I'm not sorry that I had to miss a lot of time with my husband, son and family to obtain that degree.  I'm not sorry that I have never had to use government assistance or had any hand outs.  Don't get me wrong if the need were there I would but I'm grateful that through hard work from me and my husband we have never had to.  I'm not sorry that I chose to do something with my life and make something of myself and I'm sick of being made to be the bad person because I did.  I'm not sorry that I drive a brand new vehicle and so does my husband, we don't brag about what we have and yet somehow we still get talked about.  I don't own hundreds of acres of land either, we have 2 acres and a house.  

We do the best we can with what we have but we sure don't blame our short comings on anyone else's success.  And for the showing favoritism part:  how about paying attention to how busy our schedules are with sports and my hardworking husband working out of town.  Not to mention the pictures in question are OLD pictures from 4 years ago.  Maybe you should remove your own skeletons from your closet before worrying about mine!!!

For so many years I have tried to be the glue on both sides of our families and lately this glue is feeling like putty.  It's dang if you do and dang if you don't.  Stick a fork in me.....Done!!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Friday, April 9, 2021

Bad Days Happen!

Don't let one bad day make you believe you have a bad life!!

You can't change things you see,
     You can't unsee them.
You can't change things you say,
     You can't unsay them.
You can however, quit feeding the meter!!

Sometimes things in life don't go as we planned,
Maybe you thought you would be a doctor or a lawyer by now,
Maybe you thought you would be a teacher or counselor by now,
Maybe you just wanted to be a stay at home mom of six kids,
Maybe you just wanted to be a Mom or Dad.

Maybe it hasn't been in his plans for you to be any of those things you wanted to be, YET!
Maybe it's not in his plans at all, because he has a much greater plan for your life!
Sometimes things don't go like we plan them, but you can bet they go exactly as he has planned them!

G. P. W. L.
Melissa Harris

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Daddy's Little Girl, Mommy's Best Friend and Bubba's Biggest Fan!

Wow...the big 6 years old today.  Where has time gone?  I blinked and she is growing up so fast.  What do you say to the tiniest human in your family that taught your family so much about having Faith, Courage and Strength before they were even born?  I wrote about our infertility struggles in two other blogs recently and she was our reward for becoming faithful servants of the Lord.  Nope, I didn't say we are perfect, no one is!  But we do the best we can with what we have.  

She has brought so much joy, happiness and chaos in to our lives.  She is my sunshine on a cloudy day, the apple of my eye and sometimes we are like oil and water.  She is the perfect combination of me and her dad and her brother's biggest fan everyday.  She has such a big heart just like her Bubba.  She will never know just how much she means to us as a family because we could never explain into words the pain and agony before her arrival.  Nor will she be able to understand the amount of Faith that she and God built in us before her arrival.  

She is very unique in her own ways.  She is bossy and sassy.  I'll just let the pictures explain the rest.  But I want her to know that no matter what life throws at her we will always be here for her.  She will always be Daddy's Little Girl, Mommy's Best Friend and Bubba's Biggest Fan!  We love you baby girl and hope you have a blessed day and feel as blessed as we felt the day you blessed us!!

A little timeline of our Angel Baby!!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl
We love you to the Heavens and back!

They become what we speak to them!!

Yesterday was our Elizabeth's K-Building Field Day.  She was so excited the night before you would have thought Santa Claus or the Easte...